Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Portland, Oregon, USA: 331.1 kms (4421.1 kms)

It was a shame to leave Canada on Saturday as the lower 48 have turned out to be the polar opposite of my experience north of the 49th parallel. I've most definately left the wilderness behind me now as it would seem that everything in the US, as if I didn't know this already, is undertaken on a far larger scale. This applies double to the unfriendly interstate freeways. Seattle was a really nice experience, although landing in downtown on the Bainbridge Island ferry late on Saturday night didn't give me the greatest first impression of the city. In fact I wonder how many people get the right impression of a city when they immediatelty levitate to its centre. To counter this I took a bus ride out to the 'burbs on Sunday night to listen to an acoustic Sub Pop band in a restaurant/bar and really got the Seattle experience. Very cool indeed. This afternoon I'm heading to Mount St. Helens. The temperatures are once again off the scale for this time of the year and will peak at 32 degrees later today. Will camp at the mouth of the Columbia River tonight to get a little of that Pacific breeze. Then I'm riding the coastal highway (101) down to San Francisco.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Stuart,
I'm the one you talked to for a while at the Motorbike shop in Vancouver, Washington. Glad to hear you're on your way and wish you luck and good times on your venture south.