Wednesday 15 October 2008

Novillero, Pacific Coast, Mexico: 351 kms (12854 kms)

Yet another day of unexpcted adventure in Mexico. It started out so well on the Devil's Backbone, a mind-boggling road between El Salto, where we spent last night, and Mazatlan. It took 4 hours to ride 190 kms on a road built into a near vertical cliff face. Cornering was fantastic but Matt came a cropper in a traffic jam as he soon discovered that his bike doesn't fit between two Mexican big rigs. Both panniers now require the attention of an expert with a large hammer. Then, shortly after hitting the highway towards Tepic, my bike decided it didn't like the idea of a high speed maneuvere past another Mexican big rig and the chain decided to give way. Road side repairs in the searing heat proved fruitless and Black Yammy was placed on a flatbed to Acaponeta where treatment was administered. We now find ourselves way short of Puerta Vallarta, where we hoped to spend tonight. And coupled with Matt's earlier sandwich experience he also dropped his bike in front of the hotel. He is making a strong come back in the fall-down stakes but I am still the clear leader with the score at 4-3. Anyways, fingers crossed we can make up some ground over the forthcoming days.


Emz said...

Your story cracked me up, it made me laugh so much, sorry! I bet Matt was stressing!

Paul "Bro" Duncan said...

Keep em coming guys. It's a bit like Laurel and Hardy on motorbikes. Armchair entertainment would have been a little quiet if you weren't falling around the place. I look forward to the Barons comments on this one.

Btw, it's amazing how many people who work offshore that are in to motorbikes. Got the passport yet Stu?

Take it easy now

Anonymous said...

Matt what's happened to your motorbike skills!!! Hope you weren't talking too much on that walkie talkie of yours!

Anonymous said...

Stu, a word to the, you'll have to do.

If they have nettles out there, just steer Matt away from them or it'll soon be 437-4 in the falling down stakes.

Borris, you're easily forgetting that this IS the correct form for Matt on the XT. Frankly I'm amazed the panniers are still attached!