Being nautical types Matt and I were fascinated by our Panama Canal experience today staying at the Miraflores Locks for a shocking 5 hours. Our
lengthy visit had nothing to do with the all-you-can-eat buffet that was available although both of us did take full advantage of said offer. It was quite a sight to watch Panamax size vessels glide gracefully through the locks barely 20 metres from our viewing point so I thought I would regail the reader with some pub-quiz type statistics from the Panama Canal:
a) the freighters above cost in excess of $300,000 to pass through the 6 locks
b) it takes 24 hours to navigate the entire canal
c) the passage of one vessel releases 52 million gallons of water in to the ocean
d) finished in 1914 the canal only began to turn a profit 70 years later! (I´m quashing all my natural urges to marry this statistic to another maritime company once close to my heart!)
But surely the above stats are eclipsed by those achieved by TransAmericas. So, given our rest day and lack of on-the-road adventure, here are a few forgettable facts and figures from Matt and Stu's motorcycle navigation of North and Central America:
a) Distance covered (kms): Stuart - 18421; Matt - 11164
b) Countries visited: Stuart - 9; Matt - 8
c) Close encounters with the police: Stuart - 3; Matt - 1
d) Total fines paid: Stuart - $110; Matt - $30
e) Number of times bikes have been dropped: Stuart - 5; Matt - 3
f) Number of chains used: Stuart - 3; Matt - 0
g) Oil consumed (litres): Stuart - 9; Matt - 6
h) Tyres used: Stuart - 2; Matt - 2
i) Items lost: Stuart - 5; Matt - 5
(Includes diary, passport, flipflops, sunglasses and random items of clothing)
j) Rain days to date: Stuart - 10; Matt - 7
k) Pairs of flip flops purchased: Stuart - 3; Matt - 0
l) Days that haven't involved the consumption of alcohol: Stuart - 2; Matt -1
We've also met some super cool people along the way who are also on the road for one reason or another. Check out their own personal adventures:
Jean-Phillipe Palthey (
Libor Martinek (
Volker (
Wes (
Robert & Shandra Vinet (
Whilst our bikes are airborne this weekend we're planning on some more sightseeing and the quality control of more Central American beer. Hope your respective weekends are enjoyable. Next blog will come to you from the kidnap capital of the world, Columbia. Both Matt and I are very much looking forward to this experience and finally meeting Jamieastos and friends!
Being a semi nautical type bordering on the "don't care anymore" I'd have probably spent 2hrs max at the Canal. However, i'm sure it's a very interesting place. Panama must be a truly loaded country as it must be making a mint with all the vessel traffic...?
Thank you for the pub quiz info - most interesting. TransAmericas are, however, more entertaining. Now Stu, I know you have covered more distance so this is the excuse I think for dropping your bike more. And I'm sure they don't marry up with the refreshments you've been enjoying!
Have yourself a nice weekend too. I'm sure Colombia is gonna be a riot? Watch yer backs. Maybe now is the time to be owning a Breitling Emergency watch round yer wrist
Thanks for the interesting facts. Am I right in thinking that you had a whole weekend to kill, without your bikes and you have read the Lonely Planet in detail?
The facts about yourselves made me laugh. I hope you get into Columbia ok!
Just to add to both above replies, I hope you get OUT of Columbia OK!
PS, Happy Birthday.
great stats, who is winning? and even better links. nice one!
wes aka neopodo
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